If your RIP Expenses users are correctly linked to your contact profiles in your Accounting Software (see articles on this HERE), expenses should automatically export through to the Accounting Software once fully approved.
Corporate Card expenses will appear as Spend Money Transactions waiting to be reconciled against the bank statement; and Out Of Pocket expense claims will appear as Bills to be paid.
If you can't find the expense in your accounting software, here are some things to check.
1. Check the expense has been fully approved in RIP Expenses, by logging onto the RIP Expenses web application, and navigating to My Expenses. Use the filtering tabs to check expenses sitting as "Approved", and if you need to you can use the search bar to look for key words to identify the expense you're searching for.
If the expense isn't in the "Approved" filter, have a look in "Awaiting Approval" and "Action Required". If the expense is in "Awaiting Approval", it needs an Approving Manager to approve it. If it is in "Action Required", you'll need to click on the expense and find out what needs to be remedied before it will be sent for approval.
2. If the expense is definitely approved, but you can't find it in the Accounting Software, check the Export Issues screen in RIP expenses. This can be found on the left hand menu.
This screen will show you expenses that have been approved, and tried to export to the Accounting Software, but failed. There will be a reason for the failure described in the column named "Export failure reason". This export failure is sent to us from your Accounting Software and normally will describe something incorrect with the User set up, which normally is easy enough to fix. If you need any assistance with sorting this out, please contact us on support@ripglobal.com