NOTE: To add new Users to your RIP Expenses Account you will have to have access to do this, if you can’t navigate to the Administration tab then you won’t be able to.
1. Navigate to Administration --> Users
Click on Add new user.
2. New User Form
Fill in the contact details fields on the new User form, and tick the relevant Role boxes that you want to be assigned to this User.
Please note - within RIP Expenses we define five user roles. The role the user is assigned to determines the permissions and functionality the user is able to access.
A single user can be assigned one or more of the five roles. The five roles are:
A User is someone who spends/creates expenses.
An Authorising Manager can view and edit, and authorise their assigned team’s expenses.
An Account Manager can set up and manage the company’s RIP Expenses account including the company’s teams, expense authorisation hierarchy, GL codes, and manage and add users.
A Reporting role is a read-only role, they can see everything in an Organisation and can create reports about the company’s expense claims.
An Admin User sits above all the other three roles, and has full permissions to make changes to all parts of your company’s RIP account.
3. Specify Payment Method
If the new User claims reimbursement for out of pocket expenses (they spend their own own money and are then repaid), leave Has corporate card unticked, and click Save to complete the User set up.
If the new User has a corporate card they use to incur business expenses, tick the Has corporate card box, and use the drop down selector to choose the right card/bank account they spend from (this drop down menu will pull through all Cards and Bank Accounts visible in your Accounting Software). Click Save to confirm the payment method.
4. Map the User to the right Supplier Contact
To make sure your expenses flow correctly from RIP to your Accounting Software, each of your RIP users need to have a matching supplier profile in your Accounting Software. These are known as "Supplier Cards" in MYOB AccountRight, or "Supplier Contacts" in MYOB Essentials and Xero*.
1. Go to Administration-->Users, and click on Check next to a User. If a User is already linked to an Accounting Software Contact, it will have a green Ready marker as per the screenshot below.
2. Clicking Check will bring up a screen with options found from your list of contacts in your Accounting Software. Select the right one that matches the RIP user profile by clicking the Link to this contact button on the right hand side, then Save Changes.
If there are no matches coming through:
1. Make sure that the profile name in RIP matches exactly the Supplier profile name in your Accounting Software. For example if it is Steven Adams in RIP, but Steve Adams in the Accounting Software, no matches will come through.
2. Make sure the Contact profile in your Accounting Software is set as a Supplier type.
If you have to make any changes to the Supplier Contact in your Accounting Software, re-sync the data to RIP by going to Administration --> Accounting Software --> Options --> Get all contact information. Then click the Check button again next to the RIP user to connect the Supplier match as above.
All Done!
Your new user is now fully set up and ready to log their expenses in RIP! They will receive a separate email inviting them to set their password and download the mobile app.