Administrators and account managers access the list of groups from the sidebar Administration --> Groups & teams menu. Initially, the list is empty. You need to set up at least one group before you can add any teams into it. Use the "Add new group" button to get started:

This gives you the group creation form:

Type in any group name that is easy for you to recognise. Groups, along with the teams you set up within them, must each have unique names. Then:

  • The drop-down menu of managers only contains users with the "Authorising manager" role. These managers will be able to view and approve expenses for employees for the team(s) inside the group(s) they manage (and only those employees). If you have no users with this role when you try to add a group, then this menu will be empty. You can edit the group later to add a new manager, or change an assigned manager, if you want. Find out more about users and roles here.
  • Similarly, the menu of reporters only contains users with the "Reporting" role. This is a bit like a read-only authorising manager role; the reporters can view and generate reports for users within the team(s) inside the group(s) over which they have been set as reporters.
  • You don't add employees or suppliers to groups - you add those to the teams grouped within them (see below).

If there are any issues with the group setup, you'll get shown the errors so that you can resolve them:

Once a group is added (or if an existing group has changes made and saved), its details are shown. This is where grouped teams will appear, with this page being shown after a group is created or amended because a common workflow thereafter is to add or amend the set of teams within that group.

On the right, you will see a new column, which doesn't make much sense until teams are added (and makes even more so with additional groups containing their own teams) - this is the navigator, providing an overview that lets you move freely around between all of your groups and teams to make changes or view details of any part of your setup.

The buttons along the top let you edit the group easily, or add a new team to this group:


This works in the same way as adding a team with the simple, "flat" structure, but it has an additional menu - you can choose the "Owning group". When you add a new team from within the view of a group's details, as done here, this field is filled in for you. You can change it, though, if you want the new team to be in some other group for any reason.

With a few more teams and groups added, the navigator is easier to understand. The Administration --> Groups & teams view ends up looking something like this:

The items in the navigator are all links to view the details of the named group or team. For example, clicking on "Demonstration group", now that it has some teams added inside, now shows this: