Administrators and account managers access the list of teams from the sidebar Administration --> Teams menu. Initially, the list is empty. Use the "Add new team" button to be able to set up a first team:

This gives you the team creation form:

Type in any team name that is easy for you to recognise. Teams must have unique names. Then:

  • The drop-down menu of managers only contains users with the "Authorising manager" role. These managers will be able to view and approve expenses for employees within the team(s) they manage (and only those employees). If you have no users with this role when you try to add a team, then this menu will be empty. You can edit the team later to add a new manager, or change an assigned manager, if you want. Find out more about users and roles here.
  • Similarly, the menu of reporters only contains users with the "Reporting" role. This is a bit like a read-only authorising manager role; the reporters can view and generate reports for users within the team(s) over which they have been set as reporters.
  • Anyone with the "Expenses user" role can be added as an employee, but note that nobody can be both a team member and a team manager - this is prohibited as it would allow the manager to approve their own expenses!

If there are any issues with the team setup, such as the name being in use or there being an accidental attempt to add a team's manager as a team member, you'll get shown the errors so that you can resolve them:

Once a team is added, it is shown in the index:

You can edit teams with the "pen" icon on the right. The "x" icon lets you deactivate a team. This acts as if the team has been permanently deleted / removed, except instead, it moves into the "Inactive" tab and can be restored later if you wish.