Configuring RIPA for Okta sign-in

As an admin, you may configure your RIPA tenancy with your Okta client ID and secret. You may find this configuration in RIPA by selecting: 

Administration -> Settings

At the bottom of the settings form, you will find the "Client ID", "Client secret", and "Site".

How to find your Okta details

1. To find your Okta Client ID and Secret, sign in to Okta with your administrator account. You should see something like:

2. Navigate to Applications -> Applications and select your Okta "APP"

3. Copy your Client ID from Okta and paste into RIPA as shown earlier:

4. Copy your Client secret from Okta and into RIPA as shown above:


5. Clicking your username in the top right corner of the screen and copy the Okta site name to your clipboard

6. Add text "https://" in front of your "site". For example "" becomes ""

7. Your filled out details will look like the below:

8. Press "Update Settings"Once the settings are updated, a message will flash at the top of the page indicating success

Okta is now configured.

User configuration

Users may now self configure for Okta sign up. Please refer to the user guide for more details