You can now email in your expenses directly through to “My Expenses”.
What does this mean? You no longer need to download the invoices that are sent to you. Instead, just forward the email containing your invoice to your RIPA Expenses email or give your RIPA Expenses email directly to your suppliers.
How do I find my RIPA Expenses email?
Log into your RIPA Expenses account via your browser. This can be on desktop or mobile
Desktop: Click on
Account, then from the drop down menu, select My Settings' in the top right-hand corner of your screen, then into settings, and your email will appear. As shown below.
2 If you would like to get your invoices directly from your suppliers for example your monthly mobile bill to your “My Expenses” then add their email address to the Manage Approved Emails.
Mobile: open app > 1Click on the hamburger menu in the top left corner >clock on settings wheel at the bottom of your drop down menu > under Profile is your Email-to-RIPA Address. As shown below.
What happens next? Your email will go through to processing, this is where it will get checked for Merchant Name, Date and Amount. Once that has been processed it will go to > My Expenses tab > Action Required for you to input the Expense code and Comment. Then if applicable off to your Authorising Manager for approval.