Users with Admin permissions can turn on Approvals in RIPA Expenses. Simply navigate to Administration --> Settings, and tick the Approvals required box. This will create a new sub-menu item under Administration called Teams.

If you navigate to the Teams section, you'll see immediately a list of Users that haven't been assigned to any Teams. It will look something like the below.

Click on Add new team in the top right corner to create a new Team. Type in the name for your Team, and use the dropdown selector to assign the Team a Manager. Click Add new team to confirm.

You'll be taken back to the main Teams page. You'll see your newly created Team sitting there, waiting for Team members to be added. You can use the dropdown selector to find Users to add as Team members.  

Click on the name of the User you want to add

Click the + (plus) icon to confirm adding this Team member to the team.

Repeat these steps to add more members to the Team, or create new Teams. You can use the pencil and trashcan icons to edit and delete Teams respectively.