In RIPA Expenses, we use the concept of Teams to create approval structures. Users with Admin permissions can configure and create Teams. The key characteristics of Teams are:

  • Each Team requires one User nominated as the Manager. This User must be designated as having Authorising Manager permissions in their profile (permissions can be viewed and edited in Administration --> Users). 

  • Each Team can have multiple Team members. Each Team member's expenses will then need to be approved by the Team's Manager before the expense is able to be exported to the company accounting software.

  • Authorising Managers can be Managers of more than one Team. This means they will have approval responsibilities for all Team members across all Teams they are Manager of.

  • Users can be members of more than one Team. If they are in more than one Team, all Managers of Teams they are within will be able to approve that User's expenses.

  • Admin users can also designate certain Users to Skip approval - This means they don't belong to any team, but their expenses will be marked as Approved immediately when they submit them.

  • If Approvals have been turned on, any Users that have been created need to either be a member of a Team, or be set to Skip approvals. Otherwise their Expenses will not be processed, and will not export to any connected Accounting Software.

A typical example of Teams configuration is below. We can see that:

  • Jacinda manages two teams, Sales & Operations
  • Laura manages the Technology team and is also a member of the Sales team
  • Lisa is a member of two teams, Operations and Technology
  • Jacinda's expenses will Skip approvals.

To learn more about how to set up Teams for your self, click HERE.