If you have a receipt or invoice stored on your computer that you need to submit, you may want to submit your expense using the RIPA Expenses Web Application.
1. Sign in to the RIPA Expenses Web Application. You'll need to go to your customer-specific URL, for example https://customername.ripaexpenses.com. If you aren't sure what the right URL is, talk to your Company Administrator, or you can find the Account Activation email from RIP Expenses that would have been sent to you when your account was first activated. The URL will be in that email.
Sign in using your email address and password, the same as for the RIPA Expenses mobile app.
2. From the Dashboard, click on the Add new expense button on the right hand side of the screen.
3. Choose your expense code from the dropdown menu, type in your justification comment, and attach the receipt file by clicking Choose file. Click Save changes to submit the expense.
The expense will be visible in your My Expenses page, under the Processing filter.