Once you have connected your Accounting Software to your RIPA Expenses account, you'll no doubt want to get going as quickly as possible to start managing your expenses. To enable this, you'll need to complete three steps.

Step 1 of 2: Map your RIPA user profile to a Supplier Contact profile in your Accounting Software.

To ensure your expenses flow to your Accounting Software correctly, we need to map your RIPA user profile to a Supplier Contact in your Accounting software. 

Go to Administration-->Users, and click on Integration setup needed next to your User Profile.

2. Clicking Integration setup needed will bring up a screen with options found from your list of contacts in your Accounting Software. Select the right one that matches the RIPA user profile by clicking the Link to this contact button on the right hand side, then Save Changes.

If there are no matches coming through:

1. Make sure that the profile name in RIPA matches exactly the Supplier Contact profile name in your Accounting Software. For example if it is Maurine The Tester in RIPA, but Maurine Tester in the Accounting Software, no matches will come through.

2. Make sure the Contact profile in your Accounting Software is set as a Supplier type*.

If you have to make any changes to the Supplier Contact in your Accounting Software, re-sync the data to RIPA by going to Administration --> Accounting Software --> Options --> Get all contact information. Then click the Check button again next to the RIPA user to connect the Supplier match as above.

Step 2 of 2: Confirm your Payment Method

RIPA Expenses users can claim expenses in two ways; either by claiming reimbursement for "out of pocket" expenses, or by spending money on a corporate/company card.

Our users are set up by default as "out of pocket"; so if you spend your own money and claim reimbursement back from the business, then this step is completed for you.

If you use a corporate card for business expenses, you'll need to edit your user profile:


1. Navigate to Administration --> Users, and click on the Pen icon next to your name. This is the Edit button.

2. Under the Banking Details section, tick the "Has corporate card" box.

3. Use the drop down selector to choose the right card/bank account they spend from (this drop down menu will pull through all Cards and Bank Accounts visible in your Accounting Software). Click Save to finish.

You're ready to go!

You can download the mobile app and start taking care of your expenses. Click HERE for instructions to download the mobile app.

If you have other users to add to your RIPA Expenses account, you can do this by following the steps here.